Using Consumer Data to One-Up Your Competitors

March, 17 2020 4:29 pm

No matter what your industry, getting an advantage on your competitors is something every business wants. Wouldn’t it be great if you had access to something that could give you that advantage - all without breaking the budget? If you have consumer data - and every business does - then you already have everything you need! The problem is that many companies don’t understand how to utilize the consumer data they have access to. That information is useless if you can’t p...

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Solving Your Call Center Managers’ Biggest Problems

March, 16 2020 4:29 pm

Your call center staff handles a lot, every day. From irritable consumers to stressful deadlines and goals, your agents may sometimes seem like superheroes, getting it all done. And who leads those teams of courageous agents? If you’re lucky, it’s an equally full-mettle team of call center managers. What are the biggest problems facing your call center managers - and how can you help alleviate some of them? If you’re looking to streamline daily operations and make life...

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Who Can Benefit from Partnering with a BPO Organization?

March, 13 2020 4:29 pm

Are there small tasks that you wish your employees didn’t have to handle? From answering phones to handling payments and many other small jobs, these everyday tasks are the things that keep employees busy while they’re on the clock. They’re also the kinds of things that can eat away at your labor costs, if you’re spending it all paying employees to handle them instead of more meaningful duties. How do you solve this problem? By handing those tasks over to a BPO organ...

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What You Need to Know About Call Recording Laws

March, 12 2020 4:29 pm

Call recording is an ideal solution for contact centers to improve both training approaches and customer satisfaction levels. It can be used to create training materials based on actual calls that have transpired in the center, as well as to train individual agents based on their own unique strengths and weaknesses. It can also help to create goals that can be used to improve overall agent performance and work toward improving the customer experience. These are just some of t...

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What is Brand Experience in the Contact Center?

March, 11 2020 4:29 pm

Today’s most successful companies focus a lot on brand experience. This is a combination of user experience with brand-specific products and services, as well as the delivery on the brand promise. A brand promise is simply the way a company boasts that users will feel or experiences that they will have while using their products or enjoying their services. Brand experience isn’t always something grandiose. When you hear the word “experience”, you may think of a custo...

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Preparing Your Call Center For Tax Time

March, 9 2020 4:29 pm

April fifteenth is just around the corner. Is your contact center ready? This is the question on many minds of call center managers as they work toward readying their staff and their center for the often-dreaded tax deadline. This year, though, that deadline doesn’t have to spell doom - or even stress - for your center. Prepare your call center for tax time with these tips and be ready when Uncle Sam asks for their cut. Who are You Helping to Prepare? What you do to prep...

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Coronavirus – Another Reason Why ChaseData Should Be Part of Your Disaster Recovery Strategy

March, 6 2020 4:29 pm

What happens when this virus hits those who work in densely populated facilities like your call center? Not only is it a public health hazard to continue operations as normal during these times, but it can also spell disaster if your company doesn’t have a workable disaster recovery strategy in place. This year, your call center disaster recovery strategy may be more important than ever. In early 2020, a prolific virus known as the novel coronavirus - or COVID-19 - began s...

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The Real Cost of Call Latency

March, 5 2020 4:29 pm

Call latency is something that any call center that uses digital VoIP solutions for voice communications likely experiences. Why is that such a big deal? Because the vast majority of contact centers are using VoIP to communication with consumers and clients! So, how big of a problem is call latency? How much do you really stand to lose when latency becomes an issue in your center? Check out this information about how latency could be costing your company big - and how you ca...

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The Importance of Speech Analytics in Customer Experience

March, 4 2020 4:29 pm

Customer experience is about more than just providing answers to questions and solutions to problems. These days consumers are looking for a full personalized experience. They want to feel like your first priority, and they want to feel like the companies they work with know them on a personal level, as well. Rising to meet these changing needs is part of providing the memorable customer service that keeps consumers coming back to your brand or company. Today’s technology ...

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The 80/20 Rule of a Solid Service Level

March, 4 2020 12:29 pm

What is the formula for a good call center service level? Many experts would argue that there isn’t one standard equation that fits every scenario, and they’re right; your facility is as unique as the agents who comprise your team and the consumers you serve. However, there is a formula that many successful centers use to create a successful plan for rendering service at their best possible level - and your center could likely make great use of it, too. The 80/20 rule - ...

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