Fresh Approaches for Landing Outbound Sales

February, 3 2020 3:29 pm

For outbound contact centers, obtaining more sales is a constant struggle. Even if you have a consistent flow of leads coming in, transforming those leads into actual sales can be difficult. It isn’t impossible, though - you just need to give your approach a facelift to ensure your agents are always putting your business’s best face forward! Why Do You Need to Go After Outbound Sales? The obvious answer to “why do you need outbound sales” is to keep your business af...

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SMS Integration Examples from Successful Businesses

January, 31 2020 3:29 pm

Today’s most successful businesses are using the power of SMS messaging to great effect. Many customer service companies and business processing organizations believe that they can’t be part of this trend - but that isn’t true! There are myriad ways to make use of SMS in your customer service strategy. The bigger problem for these organizations is that they often don’t understand SMS integration. Thankfully, some of those same famously popular and successful brands w...

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Simplifying the User Adoption Process in Your Call Center

January, 30 2020 3:29 pm

The idea of new technology for your contact center can be exciting. Actually launching that technology? Not so much. Why do so many call center managers balk at the idea of introducing new software and programs in their facilities? A big part of the reasons is because the user adoption process can be slow and arduous. Far too many centers suffer major declines in productivity and profitability due to problems implementing new technology. If you want to bring your center up ...

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Focus on the Customer Effort Score

January, 29 2020 3:29 pm

What is your contact center’s customer effort score? Many of today’s most successful call center’s don’t just know the answer to that question - they know why it matters. Not sure if you’re among their number? Just check out this handy guide to the customer effort score and why it matters for your center. You’ll soon be a master of making customer service effortless for those you serve! What is the Customer Effort Score? If you aren’t already tracking your cen...

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Should Your Call Center Be Recruiting Agents?

January, 28 2020 3:29 pm

Does your contact center have sufficient staff? This is something that many growing centers struggle to determine; are there enough agents on the payroll to efficiently handle daily operations without stressing the labor budget? If you’re in the market to add to your staff, doing so may seem like a daunting task. There are so many things to consider when improving your hiring practices and so many reasons why you shouldn’t add too many agents at once. Taking all of these...

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Your Annual Call Center Performance Scorecard

January, 24 2020 3:29 pm

You know your contact center agents work hard. You’ve seen them in action. But do you know how effective their hard work really is? How productive are your agents? It can be hard to determine how efficient their efforts are when you’re only seeing part of the big picture each day. Having a call center performance scorecard - and a sensible way to collect the information you need for one - is your best bet for getting a better idea of your agents’ true level of efficien...

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The Importance of Call Center Leadership for Workforce Management

January, 23 2020 3:29 pm

Nearly $700 billion is wasted by American businesses every year doing what can be considered unnecessary administrative tasks. These tasks are small or simple enough that automation could handle them, saving these businesses valuable time and money. However, too many businesses neglect to automate the many small tasks that software could be handling for them - including workforce management. Why Automate Your Workforce Management? Today’s contact center is a busy place. T...

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Does Your Center’s Quality Monitoring Need a Tuneup?

January, 22 2020 3:29 pm

Your call center agents make or handle dozens or even hundreds of calls each per day. They speak to thousands of consumers in total during each shift; their work is the backbone of what your center does. It only makes sense to invest in quality monitoring - the process of monitoring those numerous calls for the quality of service being provided to consumers. However, many centers are finding that the quality monitoring tactics of yesteryear are simply no longer meeting their...

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Your Winning Strategy for Outbound Lead Generation

January, 21 2020 3:29 pm

There are so many approaches to outbound lead generation for contact centers and similar large businesses. However, not all of these strategies are equally effective. Here’s your guide to finding the right outbound lead generation approaches to meet your company’s needs and create the sales that will sustain your business: Paid Advertising Is paid advertisement the way to go for your lead generation approach? This method involves the solicitation of advertisements plac...

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Why Longer Phone Calls May Actually Benefit Your Business

January, 20 2020 3:29 pm

In today’s fast-paced world, we value time more than ever before. The phrase, “Time is money” is one that many businesses include in their training approach - and in few industries is this more prevalent than in that of the contact center. Keeping your pace quick when serving customers or making connections with leads is only logical. The more calls you can make in a given period, the more satisfied customers you can create. That means a more profitable day for your fa...

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