ChaseData Corp Call Center Software Blog

The Importance of Speech Analytics in Customer Experience

Written by Ahmed Macklai | Mar 4, 2020 12:30:00 PM

Customer experience is about more than just providing answers to questions and solutions to problems. These days consumers are looking for a full personalized experience. They want to feel like your first priority, and they want to feel like the companies they work with know them on a personal level, as well.

Rising to meet these changing needs is part of providing the memorable customer service that keeps consumers coming back to your brand or company. Today’s technology is designed to help you do exactly this, with the modern consumer in mind. Speech analytics is one of the best tools for the job, simplifying numerous elements of the customer service job and making it easier than ever to tailor service to consumers while streamlining the workday for your agents.

Keep Those Customers from Churning Away

Churn - the term used to describe a consumer turning away from a company and choosing a direct competitor, instead - is something that every business hopes to minimize. Did you know that speech analytics technology can help you do that?

Analyzing consumer interactions can help you quickly determine what the cause of your consumers’ dissatisfaction is - and how to address it. What makes consumers happy - and what your business or even your competitors are doing correctly - is information that can be used to help make plans for better serving consumers moving forward. Analyzing your own calls and combining that with industry benchmarking can yield some impressive tools for improvement for your agents - and some easy ways to keep consumers who are at risk of churning away loyal to your brand or business.  

Combine Multiple Types of Feedback with Speech Analytics

Where do you source your feedback? If you’re like most contact centers, you have opportunities for your consumers to offer solicited feedback - such as end-of-call surveys and more. However, these opportunities may not be the most useful tool, since not a large percentage of consumers actually take the time to engage with them.

Another problem is that this type of feedback is often collected after the interaction between agent and consumer is completed - sometimes well after. This means that your feedback may not even be relevant or useful by the time you receive it. It would be much better to combine this with feedback received shortly after the conversations or in real-time during your actual exchanges.

Thankfully, there are other ways to get feedback. During the many phone calls your center takes and makes, you also undoubtedly receive unsolicited feedback. This comes in many forms, including comments about agent performance, service, and consumer experience, all hidden like gems among the audio you’re already analyzing. You’re already accessing this information - why not use it to your advantage?

Speech analytics technology will allow you to make better use of the comments and other information you’re already combing through to create a more comprehensive picture of what your consumers are experiencing. This way, you can use that feedback to make meaningful changes - instead of just sitting on it and letting it go to waste.

Boost Empathy in Your Agents - and the Perception Thereof in Your Consumers

Your consumers want to think that the agents they talk to are empathetic to their wants and needs. Your agents want to provide service that feels empathetic. How better to do both of these things than by using speech analytics technology to deliver on that feeling of empathy?

Analyzing speech is a way to take note of important data and create a more informed approach to serving customers. Your callers will feel like your team really cares about what they have to say - and remember them from call to call. Your agents don’t actually have to remember your entire client database, though. Just use the words and the information already available to you to create intuitive client profiles and better serve consumers.

Don’t Get Stuck Relying on Metrics

When you can intuit how consumers will rate their interactions with your brand, you can better predict the scores that they will award you in the form of NPS, CES, C-SAT, and other satisfaction metrics. Why does this matter? Because oftentimes, companies with a customer service format are stuck waiting for the results from the collection of these scores - and that wait can be long.

Don’t get stuck waiting on these important metrics when you could be moving forward with plans for improving. Predict the results accurately and know more about what your customers think about your approaches with speech analytics technology. Get in the know and get going - so you can make moves toward better service.

Analyze Every Channel for a Better Picture of Your Customer’s Entire Experience

Your customer’s journey can’t be conveyed through analyzing a single channel - no matter how much information you glean from it. If you communicate through various channels with your consumers, you need to analyze each of these channels for the best possible picture of your consumer’s overall experience with your company.

You may be great with telecommunications but your instant messaging and other channels may be lacking. Likewise, understanding why a consumer chooses a particular channel is also important - and difficult to determine without delving into their communications there. Getting a comprehensive picture of this will give you a better template for improving experience across all channels - and will make working toward those improvements easier.

Ready to put the full power of speech analytics technology to work in your facility? Contact the industry leaders at ChaseData to find out how. Our software solutions make it easy for you to outfit your operation with the tools and technology needed to provide excellent, personalized service every day - and make routine operations easier for your agents. Give us a call today to learn more!