Despite its unpopularity, the debt collection industry continues to grow. Nearly one in 10 Americans have a minimum of one debt in collection whether it is for medical bills, mortgages, credit card debt, student debt, or automobile loans. Businesses are placing more debt with collection agencies than ever before, and aggregate household that is still rising – portending a need for debt collection agencies long into the future. Even without a recession, debt recovery services are a big business. However, collection companies need to do a lot to improve their collections rates and move into the era of big data that is generated by their own call center software.
Big data is the stream of large datasets that can reveal a lot about human behavior, including patterns, associations, behavior, interactions, and even marketing trends. This type of data feed is so massive that it needs to be analyzed through computer algorithms to make much sense. In a highly competitive marketplace, such as the collections industry, analyzing customer data through the use of call center software offers a competitive edge. Let’s look at some of the ways that call center software can analyze raw data and improve collections rates.
Working with a call center software provider is not enough. The company needs to be innovative, and ahead of the latest trends in data analysis. While your current software is sitting there collecting data, you might not be able to do anything with it. That takes specialized algorithms to sort through the data and make sense of it all. Large datasets are not easy to analyze, which is why best call center software includes robust analytics that are intuitive, and easy to use.
In addition to needing robust analytics, collection agency software needs to stay up-to-date on the latest rules, regulations and laws. Most importantly, debt collection companies need to adhere very closely to the regulations set forth in the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. With a top-notch software and recording capabilities, even more data can be analyzed and evaluated for future use.
Call centers as a whole operated for many years without making much use of the data that came through with every call inbound or outbound. At the bare minimum, they knew how many deals were closed by the end of the month, and who close the deals. There was very little else to go on. Many call centers were not computerized until the early 2000’s, and those that were did not have robust analytics that could be used to further refine their operations. By computerizing and partnering with an experienced call center software vendor, even small businesses can realize the benefits of big data.
Open source call center software is often free, or very low cost. However, in terms of call center software the saying that “you get what you pay for” definitely applies. Open source software does not automatically update, and while you can apply your own bells and whistles to the source code, there is nothing that says it is stable, secure, or will operate as advertised. That takes a professional call software company that knows and understands the call center in collections industries. Working with ChaseData means that a collections company has an industry-experienced leader at their fingertips, ready to break down that data into better collections rates.