Attrition among call-center workers is a given in the industry. Inbound, outbound, or blended and across a variety of industries, high worker turnover is something of an accepted hazard. The reasons for this are varied, but have you considered how much this turnover is costing your operation? The Society for Human Resource Management pegged the average cost per hire at $4, 129, this is without factoring in interview costs, training costs, and the amount of time that the call station sits open and unattended. If you have a 10 person per year turnover, you are looking at a baseline cost of $41,290.
That you need to run your business like a business is not a novel idea. Bringing your call center into the 21st century can help to address some of the factors that give call centers as much as a 35 percent turnover each year. Solutions from ChaseData not only address call-center staff issues, but customer dissatisfaction that can result in low agent morale, disengagement, and ultimately turnover. In fact, having an intuitive cloud-based software solution on tap, combined with great training tools can help you to retain more of your staff, reduce frustrations, and create a culture of low turnover and job satisfaction.
Training can be hectic time for new hires as well as management. The robust training tools in our call-center software and our array of resources mean that training is a snap, but technical proficiency isn’t the only factor in your agent success. Pairing new hires with experienced and successful agents to mentor them will increase the “working knowledge” of the new hire, and show them how successful agents handle their calls. The mentoring agent can listen silently – also called “shadowing” – to the call in process, offering guidance during the call via messaging app, and critique after the call by replaying significant portions of the conversation. This leaves management free to, well, manage.
Your agents can be the best resource of training that you have. Successful agents have tips and tricks that managers – who generally are not calling staff – may not have. Such knowledge is developed over time, and hard-won. Managers, even if they started in a headset, are free to manage the room overall without focusing in particular on new hires in their training. Opening up new hire training to existing agents can smooth the transition for new hires with consistent guidance and attention that management cannot often give.
Call centers have become highly competitive, as call-center operators vie for outsourcing contracts or as organizations with their own call centers seek to make call centers a profitable part of their business. Inbound, outbound, or blended call centers must be able to rely on their software to handle any situation on the fly. With a better call-center, you will notice a better column, less turnover, and more satisfied employees. Get your call-center up and running fast and easy with ChaseData.