Keep Them Coming Back - Customer Loyalty Strategies

August, 1 2019 3:29 pm

In an industry that increasingly focuses on speed and efficiency, customer service remains a struggle for many contact centers. Not only are consumers often left feeling ignored by call centers that focus too much on cranking out call volume over providing excellent service, but customer loyalty is often abandoned altogether. Customer loyalty is still one of the most important aspects of building a successful brand, regardless of industry. That’s why it is so important for...

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How to Create a Call Center a Millennial Customer Will Love

July, 30 2019 3:29 pm

The millennial customer is notorious for disliking the contact center. In many facilities, this is simply a fact of the industry that has been accepted and isn’t challenged. Maybe yours is one of them - but it doesn’t have to be! Here, we’ll show you exactly what it is about most contact centers that millennials don’t like and how to avoid those qualities in your facility. Plus, we’ll offer you some tips for creating the kind of call center that any millennial cust...

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How to Know Which Call Center Metrics are Worth Your Time

July, 25 2019 3:29 pm

What are the most important call center metrics for your facility to keep track of? This is a question that would have a varying answer depending on who you asked, when, and what industry they were part of. However, there are several metrics that are crucial regardless of which companies your center partners with or what type of business you do. Here’s a little more information on which are the most important - and which you should prioritize in your own facility. The Imp...

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Dealing with High Volume Phone Calls in a Call Center

July, 23 2019 3:29 pm

When it comes to operating a contact center, there are a handful of hurdles that every management team will have to tackle at some point. Most of these have to do with handling customer service or managing your staff, but one that you might be less prepared for is an unexpected surge in phone traffic. Indeed, many contact centers operate under the expectation that their numbers will be relatively consistent from day to day. However, high volume phone calls can happen at any ...

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Brighten Call Center Employee Morale This Summer

July, 18 2019 3:29 pm

With the seasons changing once more to let the summer sunshine in through the windows of your facility, it can be easy for your employees to feel restless in their seats. After all, who wants to be stuck at their desk when there is so much going on outside? Summer is one of the worst times of the year for that bored, restless feeling to settle in and call center employee morale to take a downturn. How can you keep spirits high and attitudes sunny in the summer months at your...

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Better Agent Utilization with Remote Call Center Software

July, 16 2019 3:29 pm

How you make use of your time in a contact center is a major factor in productivity. For management, this means making the best use of not only their own time on the clock, but of how agents are utilized. One way to drastically improve agent utilization for your center is by using remote call center software. This technology allows you to have agents working from off-site locations when they are most needed, while allowing you to scale back staffing and costs when necessary....

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Working with Predictive Dialer Software with Analytics

July, 11 2019 3:29 pm

In an outbound calling center, time is money. Every call your agents make is one more potential connection and one more possible sale. Every call that can’t be made because of a lack of time is one more loss to your business. So, how can you maximize what is getting done in your center and minimize lost time and productivity? Here, we’ll introduce you to some techniques and technology that will help you make calls faster and create connections more effectively - all with...

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Difference Between Call Centers and BPO Organizations

July, 9 2019 3:29 pm

You may have noticed that the terms ‘BPO’ - or business process outsourcing - and ‘call center’ are interchanged with one another. While these terms are indeed related, they are not actually interchangeable. Understanding the difference will help you improve the way you run your business, regardless of whether yours is considered a BPO or a contact center. Let’s look at the key difference between call centers and BPO organizations - and how they’re similar - so y...

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The Difference Between a Warm Transfer vs a Cold Transfer

July, 4 2019 3:29 pm

Transfers are almost unavoidable in the contact center setting. While there are many ways to minimize transfers and keep your staff on the line until they complete their calls and resolve consumer concerns or answer questions, there will always be reasons for transfers. Whether it’s a situation that becomes beyond the extent of an agent’s knowledge or experience or one that requires specific assistance, the causes vary - but some facts are universal. People don’t like ...

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The Bevy of Benefits in Offering Call-Back Service

July, 2 2019 3:29 pm

When it comes to calling a contact center, one of the top complaints most consumers have is the wait time. Even in larger contact centers in which there are plenty of staff members to handle large call volumes, wait times can be inevitable. Once they get too long, many callers will become frustrated - or even hang up. How can you prevent this from happening in your contact center? How can you improve consumer satisfaction and create a better experience without hiring dozens ...

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