Who, What, When, Where - Call Center Data Management

February, 14 2020 3:29 pm

Data is bigger than it has ever been. In your contact center, that data can include all manner of sensitive and critically important consumer information - as well as a lot of useless data that you cannot use. Sorting the two apart and making use of what you need while also protecting consumer privacy is a delicate balancing act that can easily overwhelm centers that are not prepared for the task.

This is why call center data management is so important. Without the tools and technology to collect, organize, and analyze the massive amounts of data your center is likely to process in an average month, you may be doomed to repeat the same mistakes of many others - compromising data, losing consumer trust, and eventually losing your business to better-prepared competitors.

Who Needs Data Management?

Does your call center need better data management? If you have to ask yourself that question, the answer is almost certainly that it does. Excellent data management is something you will know when you have it; it provides a deep, rich understanding of your consumers and their habits, their satisfaction with your service, and what makes your business successful or less than successful in their eyes and in comparison to your competitors.

Want all of that? Prioritize getting a new or better data management protocol in your call center.

What is Call Center Data Management?

Data management is present in all major industries today, but it is more important in the customer service field than anywhere else. Call center data management allows agents and managers to better serve consumers and clients while also improving their daily business operations.

For a system to qualify as successful when it comes to call center data management, it must offer the following:

  • Effective collection of information.
  • Efficient storage and organization of data.
  • Useful analysis and application of data.

It should also be user-friendly enough that agents at all experience levels can use and benefit from it. Likewise, it should be cost-effective, so that its use is not a greater burden to the contact center than a benefit.

When is Call Center Data Management Most Important?

What is the importance of call center data? In today’s world, data is business capital. That is to say that the information your company collects and uses is an important resource. Unlike other types of capital, it is one that is often offered freely to your business through consumer transactions.

That doesn’t make it any less important, though. Rather, data in today’s market should be treated like something more important than literal capital; it should be treated as something that can make or break your business depending on how it is handled, because that is absolutely what it is.

How Should Call Center Data Be Managed?

With such great importance to its industry, your team should be educated on the best practices for call center data management. These tips can help you guide them to better handling of your company’s most precious asset:

  • Integrate AI into your approach. Once you begin collecting and organizing your data, you will quickly see that today’s data is a very big thing. There’s a reason that “big data” has become such a widely-used term in the business world. Keep tabs on all of that data using artificial intelligence. Programs that can put machine learning to use can collect and categorize information quicker and more efficiently, making them a great choice for data sets that would otherwise be too massive to manage.
  • Put data to work for you in ways that you might not expect. Sure, your consumer data can help you see patterns of behavior that might help you with marketing - but did you know it can help you with compliance and other aspects of call center success? There are so many ways to utilize your data. Failing to investigate all of them can mean letting useful data sit around without benefiting your business.
  • Implement discovery tools. Want your agents to be able to utilize the data that they have collected and organized? Use discovery tools, such as search features and archives that allow agents and those reviewing data to access it quickly and efficiently. Being able to access the correct files can make analysis and other behind-the-scenes processes easier and more effective and can also make customer service better and faster.
  • Choose programs that make data useful in every form. There was a time when data was only usable after being reformatted by data scientists or analysts. These days, there isn’t time for that kind of roadblock. When you have lots of information, you need lots of ways for it to be utilized. Choose data management software that allows every person who has access to its tools to reach and use the available data. That means no complicated format changes or expert knowledge necessary - just useful data at the employee’s fingertips.
  • Automate the whole thing. Once you have your data management tools in place, ensure that they can be used on an automated basis. You don’t need to slow down daily operations with manual file management and formatting. Utilize programs that handle all of that for your agents and analysts, so they can focus on more important tasks. Having your system constantly working for you in the background will make that “big data” seem much more manageable!

Where Can You Obtain Top-Notch Call Center Data Management Software?

When it’s time to upgrade your approach to data management, it’s probably also time to upgrade your software. While the human element is vital in analyzing the data that you collect, that collection and the required organizations are impossible without a robust and fully-featured data management program.

At ChaseData we have the software solutions your center needs to make the most of the data you collect - and to help you organize it along the way. Give us a call today to learn more!

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